Combining the unique characteristics of wood and brick to create a unified and harmonious design.

The facade, as the outer layer, brings a natural ambiance to a living environment, highlighting the distinctive features of each material. The identity of each material is inherent, and together they create a sense of harmony. The materials are not chosen individually, but together they form a unity that embodies the harmony itself.

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Harga mulai dari 1,3M.

Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan

  • Sudah Sertifikat Hak Milik (SHM).
  • Bebas biaya AJB, BBN, dan BPHTB.
  • Lokasi strategis di Bintaro, dekat dengan berbagai fasilitas umum.
  • Sistem kabel bawah tanah (underground cable).
  • Smart doorlock, taman terbuka, CCTV, pos keamanan, dan mini lapangan basket.

Ya, lahan Aeera telah terverifikasi bebas banjir.

  • Umroh atau cashback 30 juta.
  • Gratis kanopi.
  • Gratis BPHTB, AJB, dan BBN.
  • Gratis biaya BN PBB.
  • Promo DP 0%.
  • Sistem satu gerbang (one gate system).
  • Taman terbuka.
  • Mini lapangan basket.
  • Area parkir tamu.
  • Keamanan dan CCTV

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